Will I receive a confirmation email once I place the order?

After your payment has been successfully made, you will be sent an email confirming your payment. You will also receive a second email informing you that your order has been processed and shipped.

What payment methods are accepted?

You can take advantage of various payment methods. Options include: credit card and debit card (Visa, Mastercard, Maestro), PayPal, Satispay, Google Pay, Apple Pay and Amazon Pay.

Do you also ship abroad?

At the moment, it is not yet available. We ship to Italy including islands.

What shipping options are available and how long does it take?

Order processing times are generally fast, usually within 24 hours. Product delivery takes place from Monday to Friday, excluding holidays and national holidays.

Standard shipping requires a delivery time of 2-3 hours from order processing.

Express shipping provides a delivery time of 24/48 from order processing.

Can I return or exchange a purchased item?

Return and exchange policy may vary, but food products cannot be returned. In the event of damaged and/or spoiled food products, there may be the possibility of a refund or return of the product.

How can I contact customer service with questions or problems?

You can contact us via whatsapp or e-mail , we will reply as soon as possible.

Can I change or cancel my order?

We recommend that you contact customer service as soon as possible if you wish to make changes or cancel an order. We will try to do our best to accommodate you. But if the order has already been processed or shipped we will not be able to make any changes.